"The purpose of art is washing the daily dust of life off our souls." -Pablo Picasso


I hung my first piece for sale in a local gallery when I was fifteen, and ever since have been sprinkling artwork and beauty into the world sporadically — never as a full-time focus, but always as a personal passion. I believe creativity resides in all of us, and the use of that muscle is important to lift ourselves above the menial and predictable tasks of the day.

As a busy mom and marketing professional, I seek to squeeze art into the cracks, yet to find wonder and beauty in all the moments that whiz by too quickly. Sometimes a year will pass with little but homemade birthday cards and face painting at my kids’ schools, but my paintbrushes and cold-pressed paper are always there waiting, and I relish the chance to bring them to the table to create.

This website is quite honestly a decade old project — a spattering of explorations over the years in illustration, oil, watercolor, multimedia and graphic design. Some are serious, some are silly.

Professionally, I’m a trained proponent of design thinking and have been leading marketing, communications, and brand strategy for more than twenty years with a focus on digital and design.